Our story
Why argonauths?
In the ancient times there were a band of heroes in Greek mythology, helping Jason in his quest to find the Golden Fleece. They were named Argonauts. The Golden Fleece supposed to be an infeasible quest or at least that's what Pelias believed in and counted that they will never return. Yet they did return with the Golden Fleece.
We believe authenticity, authentic data and then authentic systems establish the foundation for digital interactions. A digital "stamp" makes them verifiable. We have a boat and we have an "infeasible" mission. We are argonauths.
Back in the 2010 two brave individuals wanted to have an impact of how the Information Technologies are applied and used by Education Sector on a daily basis. We wanted to introduce flexible tools, leveraging still pretty new - at that time - movement of lean technologies like Ruby on Rails or jQuery, with the aim of simplicity over complexity and user-centric concepts.
In the mid of 2011 we started a company called OpenSoftware** to facilitate the grow of our concept. We have built a prototype of our first system by then. Its main goal was to serve the education offer in a pleasant way whilst allowing the Course instructors for managing the Sylabus contents in an extended, yet straightforward way.
It is year 2019 and we start to realize that all the efforts we have made to spread our idea were not sufficient. We need to make a decision and we choose to involve in a completely dif- ferent sector that just emerges – the digital identity movement. It is not only founded upon the same principles we believe, but it is also directly related to all of us and what we do in the digital space through interactions. It is the essence of our beliefs, hence here we are.
Company name changes to argonauths.
Let's build the authentic future, together!